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Full Version: First Ragnar kill
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Only I stay alive and kill Ragnar but he don't give my nothing from yourself Smile


He was already slayed a few times yesterday Smile but congratz.
Okay, that isn't fair.  Let's give credit where credit is due, shall we?

IRK_Rabe, thank you so much for being our only commando willing to shield for most of the game.  Honourable mentions also go out to [TLH]Adonaii, who also shielded when you could not make it but died on wave 19 to a stray Ballistaman shot.

Thank you to [UK]_Pappalaz for always being the one guy willing to save last.  It is appreciated Smile  You were also a damn good pikeman.

Thank you to VLKA_Mythik, for being one awesome archer.

Thank you to Sepsis for saving our asses on wave 8, we couldn't have done it without you.

Thank you to Rexysexy, you were an awesome infantry.

Thank you to Winthorpe for being an amazing and loyal slasher, cutting down endless Nords.

Thank you to [TLH]_Boeuboeu (god, I hope I got your name right) for being a master peltast and bringing barricades.

Lastly, thank you to everyone that brought that huge number of barricades, you are all heroes!

Also I totally carried the team with my Resurrection Tomes

This might also not be the first Ragnar kill (okay, it really wasn't) but it was an amazing effort and very impressive, especially considering we weren't a preset team, we were a bunch of guys that got together in game and killed some Nords.
Probably not the first kill either, as this was after the UK event.
but when i killed we don't have any cades
Ragnar just running and killing i shot to them last arrow at latest moment before he hit me

i don't sey i do that allone i just want to show screen Wink
(28-05-2013, 09:56 PM)AK_Garond link Wrote:but when i killed we don't have any cades
Ragnar just running and killing i shot to them last arrow at latest moment before he hit me

i don't sey i do that allone i just want to show screen Wink
Yes, Ragnar destroys barricades, amazing concept! Tongue
Yeah, I can appreciate just wanting to say you got a wonderful new kill, but I thought it would be best to give credit to the others in the server as well, as this was an amazing (and time consuming) feat.