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Full Version: Assist XP tweak
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Right now, people get assist exp by standing next to a player that gets a kill.

I'd like to suggest that people who stand next to the killed bot also get exp, so that melee players get exp from assisting archers by distracting enemies, without having to stand next to them.

Wouldn't stack though, so you'd get the same amount of exp if both conditions are true.
I agree with this,would be fair for both infantry and archers this way.
i agree
If this is moddable, it would be a nice addition. It's bothered me before that infantry have to cling to archers in order to get a proper amount of XP.
Why spend time writing code when you can just change a number on the website? If the problem is that melee players aren't getting the "proper amount" of XP, just change the multiplier. At the moment it is x0.5, so how many kills does an archer stand for each round? Half? Two-thirds? Change it to x1 or x1.5 and problem is solved  ;D
I don't think raising the multiplier for Meleè assist XP is a good idea. Generally the higher peel the class is the rarer it should be. Raising the multiplier for Meleè would just lead to hundreds of commandos overnight.
No, of course it isn't. I was just being a donkey. But there was a point to my stupidity, what would be the difference of increasing gained XP, versus increased conversion rates?

I'm just not convinced this suggestion is thought trough, not saying it is bad, but it is easy to just throw out an idea. Let me try to put my spin on it:
  • As of today, melee players will be rewarded by staying close to archers. (But does it happen often? More so on Hard than on Normal I would assume.)

  • With Huscarlton_Banks suggestion, they will still be rewarded, since they are near the killed bots. (What about the archers?)

  • Some maps though, have several spawn points, and people running to restore ammo and health + cav strutting about, which will make some bots wander off the beaten path. (Unpredictable things happen)

  • What will happen to the archers without melee protection? Is it up to cav to protect them? Can they defend themselves? (I have personally seen archers refusing to switch to melee or run, just to get that final headshot.)
I'm not saying these scenarios are true, they're just based on a few observations. But a least I tried to paint a picture instead of a stamp.
Don't be scared of writing big walls of text. Good ideas need to be fleshed out and described in an engaging manner, so the devs don't have to guess what your vision is.