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Full Version: Hanging up those skates.
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Dear community,

It is not with sadness but relief that I've decided to retire from Nord Invasion. For those who know a little bit more about me, I got a son (a.k.a Gomer Jr.) 4 weeks ago and he's taking way too much time and energy from me. I'm also getting older, so staying up all night is something I can't really do anymore for the sake of my baby and my wife.

This is why I'm not just stepping down from Senior Admin of North America, but also retiring from NI. This mod has taken a lot of my time, time that I never regret spending slaying stinky Nords. But it comes a time where you have to set the right priorities and NI shouldn't be part of my priorities at this stage of my life. Some can easily balance family and gaming, and I seem to fail at finding the perfect balance, and one has to be sacrifice (guess which one is sacrificed ..)

To NI players : keep making this community such a great place to spend time. Keep slaying Nords and defend Swadia at all cost ! Wink

To my Admin team : Good job guys, we punished those baddies, we abused our powers and we kept idiots away from NI. I'll be leaving you in good hands, not to worry.

To Devs : Good work with the mod, it came from a long way from where it started. Keep up the good work ! Smile

To VLKA : Guys, keep being an important part of the community, keep helping those new players and don't stop leading by example, Many people/houses are looking up to you.

Cheers !


Good luck to you and your family Sphinx.

[Image: hughes-salute.jpg]


Good Luck with Life Sphinx bye
Good luck with your family and your life Sphinx
I wish you all the best with all my heart

[Image: gen-norman-schwarzkopf-has-died.jpg]
The Swadian and VLKA flag's will fly at half mast today, we have lost a great soldier  :'(

I wish you the best of luck with life and baby Gomer and I will be harassing you on steam daily  ;D
[Image: ?m=02&d=20070219&t=2&i=395948&w=460&fh=&...=&r=395948]
Good playing with you man , Best of luck with everything.
I believe we all can understand why you are doing this.

Family always comes first, god speed comrade

Best of luck mate

[Image: Stocksmay3Leaders.jpg]
Dear friend, i wish you the best of luck with your family(also you will not need any luck because you  already have all the luck you possibly could have with a sun and a beloved wife).

I hope you can manage to at least step by from time to time to say hello.

And no worries, someone does not easily just end to beeing a wolf of fenrir once he was one, keep your golden heart and your trolling face Smile

In this sense : VLKA FENRYKA Sphinx ! This is not a farewell, but a new beginning.
Goodbye, Sphinx. Best wishes to you and you're family. I still think you ruined an excellent drama when you got unbanned. :p
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