NordInvasion Forum

Full Version: House Leader change?
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Hi everyone,

My first point is that I'm kind of disliking the fact that if a house leader is leaving his house there is no possibility of either making someone else in the house the new leader or moving the old Leader back into his old position when he rejoins. I'm now thinking of like a feature to elect a new leader out of the existing captains through the majority of the players in the concerning house and I just wanted to know what you think of that and if you may have different/more ideas on that?

The second thing I wanted to know is why old houses where everyone left are not getting deleted? So the name gets free to use again?

Can't wait for replies.

Is this the third time you have posted exactly the same thing?
No, I deleted one and moved the other... Hopefully he'll notice. Regarding point 1, something to do with that may be included in the future but I'm interested in seeing what the community think/suggest.

Point 2, because just like us tracking every single name you have ever used, we like to track houses too. We gather every single piece of information we can on you so we can blackmail you at a later date (duh). We do relatively frequently have players coming to us and asking to get back into their houses that they accidentally left or to reactivate old houses so they can regain the faction points. While at present faction points have no use, they make become more important in the not too distant future... We do periodically remove old houses but again we'll discuss what to do with old houses.