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Full Version: WTT: My Sharpshooter Gear for Commando Gear
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I have played Sharpshooter for the longest time. I am now a hybrid, T4/T2. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but the fact of the matter is I no longer enjoy "shooting" and I spend most of my time ditching my xbow and grabbing any spare shields laying around to run into the fray. Sharpshooter simply doesn't have the body armor to go rambo, regardless of the fact my one-handed is 185, shielding is 6, ironflesh is 6, power strike is 7..56 body armor still holds me back.

I'm sure there are commandos who are tired and want to try something new as well. This is an ideal option for those short on cash but rich in gear.We switch places in effect, I gain your gear and you gain mine.  I'm going to keep my decent gear like my plate mittens, but I will give up the following gear:

Arbalest (300k-400k value est.)
Gold bolts (10 damage)
ornata espada (41 slash, 100+ length/speed)
Emblemed Crossbowman mail (56 body armor)\
Heavy Kettle Hat

This is pretty much the best possible gear you can get as a sharpshooter without going legendary/hero. I also might toss in my SKS depending on how good your shield is and if it's commando-only. Though its not relevant to the trade necessarily, I know all my gear is worth at least 600k. Roughly around there.

I'm not necessarily too uptight on what helmet/weapons/shields/etc I get in return as long as I get striped or swadian heavy lamellar armor (68+ body armor).

Depending on how much better your gear is than mine, I might be willing to throw in 50-100k as well, it really depends.