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Full Version: Of these people, who will loot the first the legendary?
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Background: these four players have combined to participate in 1500+ Odin kills, but have never looted a legendary.

Who will loot the first one, and what will it be? I vote Assassine and Tower Shield.

I will lock this poll as soon as any of the choices loots a legendary, and we can have a prize for the winning predictions.
  • Honorable mention to Ephores and Alex.
  • Grinder Helmet, Frying Pan, etc don't count.
  • Since this poll was created, these are the legendaries that have dropped in the presence of at least one of the four people in the poll. We will call this list "The Daggers:"

Assassine looted a Thanos Legacy, thus voting is locked. Nobody accurately guessed the legendary, so anyone who voted Assassine in the poll gets a chance.
Assassine and Eagle Crossbow
Ryan and Wormbane
pck and shield of kings
PCK and Tevor Shield
Assassine and Legacy
Brad and Tower shield Big Grin
pck, mjolnirĀ  8) gratz in front!
Assasine - Bride dress

will fitt very will I know it Tongue
I vote Malong - Stag Bow.
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