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Full Version: Im Cbron, please read me. Unban
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Hello NordInvasion team.

I dont know why ban me if I use a tome to revive AWMAMEN, Im sorry if some people get angry use it for only one guy.
I just insulted because everybody started telling me I was a noob. I think I dont do this a lot of times like to ban me, I do this only this time and Im sorry.

Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

My regards, Cbron.

Sorry to say but you have come to the attetion fo the Admins on a number of times.

2016-01-30 17:36:36 Cbron [UK]_The_Irish_Eagle Ban
Disruptive play
Account Banned: Disruptive play
Your account has been banned for the following reason:

You were reported here and along with your kick for rude chat I am issueing a Ban. Make an unbann request if you wish.

2016-01-29 16:28:06 Cbron ~CM~Ephoressa Kick
NI_Normal_EU2: trolling bad language

2015-12-21 00:12:22 Cbron Furcifer Temp Ban
NI_Normal_EU2: repeatedly say nigga after being asked not to, then rejoinig with different character to continue saying it

2015-12-21 00:04:51 Deyasuno Furcifer Kick
NI_Normal_EU2: repeatedly using the word "nigga"

2015-04-21 23:41:25 Cbron Lord_Banana Warning
Inappropriate Language
Official Warning: Inappropriate language
This is an official warning from the NI team. You have been warned for the following reason: This kind of language is not acceptable in-game. Just because an admins asks you to stick to speaking english in servers does not give you the right to slag him off. If this continues you fill find your account partially reset, or even banned.

2015-04-21 20:43:28 Cbron [UK]_The_Irish_Sparrow Kick
NI_Normal_EU3: afk standing with shield up no responce

This is why you were banned. 

The Ban will stay in place until the end of Febuary 2016 when you can make a new unban request.  Perhaps by that time you have done some reading and come to the terms of your disruptive play and your use of inappropriate language.