Hello, i am an AU player that plays Nord Invasion and i'm just wondering why there is only 1 AU server and like 13-15 EU and NA servers. Is it because you hate AU people? Or because there isn't enough AU players that go on NI? It doesn't matter either way. If you're going to make a mod, keep it fair for everyone and don't just focus on the EU and NA servers. Atleast take out some of the EU/NA servers and replace it for 1 hard AU server. Keep the remaining AU players satisfied for what they got by keeping a fair amount of servers for them and along with the EU and NA players. All i'm saying even just a hard server would satisfy me and i'm sure it would for a lot of other people. If you think adding in more AU servers is going to waste your money well it's not because all you have to do is take out 1 or 2 EU/NA servers that don't even be used and replace it for an AU. No i'm not telling you how to do your job i'm just pointing out the obvious facts that if you want to make a mod for EVERYONE to play then keep the servers even and fair for everyone. It's the dev's responsibility to keep the players satisfied and i'm afraid that they are just not trying hard enough for the AU players compared to the EU and NA community. No wonder so many Australians quit because of it. Also if the admins are the ones paying for the servers for their own country then it's THEIR responsibility to keep the players satisfied and buy the servers for us. If you can't seem to do that then i don't know how or why you are admin. I know we can buy the servers ourselves for a ridiculous price relative to all other mods but what's the point in making the mod when you won't even put in the money to run a hard AU server for an entire potentially active community of people but you'll put in the money for the 13 NA servers and the 15 EU servers when there is literally only 1 or 2 servers active. It costs us $42 per server which means that would be costing nearly $1200 per month, so either it's highly overpriced for us or they're putting heaps of money into their servers and can't spare giving us 1. That is all i wanted to say and i would like to hear from a dev or an admin about this.
Thank you
Hello Arch,
You said, "Why is there only 1 AU server and like 13-15 EU and NA servers. Is it because you hate AU people."
I my self have asked this question in the past. And it has been answered, the reason there are so many EU/NA servers is because they are... or atleast were in the past, on a Box... meaning that they could open and close servers when they saw fit. So no it's not possible for them to cancel an EU/NA server and "Transfer" it to AU... It is also alot more expensive to host an Australian server... which is why there is only one...
https://nordinvasion.com/donate.php If you'd like to help out in getting another server, please feel free to donate. Once enough is raised Kip as assured me that he will be purchasing another AU server.
You also said " Also if the admins are the ones paying for the servers for their own country then it's THEIR responsibility to keep the players satisfied and buy the servers for us. If you can't seem to do that then i don't know how or why you are admin/"
The mod is completely run on donations from the PLAYERS, the admins are free to donate. In the past Ragnash and Benschie (Australian Head admins past and present.) Were completely funding the server by them selves... they stopped doing this because #1 they stopped playing the mod so much, and #2 because there were not receiving any help from the Australian players to help run the servers so costs became too high.
If you want I could go through the previous posts and try to find the post where I 'bitched' about the same thing. But after learning from what I believe it was Kip told me, I understood that it was not possible to just simply "Close" a EU/NA server to make room for an AU server because it doesn't work like that...
As stated earlier, if you'd like to contribute into getting a hard server, go to this link and follow the prompts for AU.... keep in mind a US credit card was used, so it is a few dollars extra than the amount you seek to donate... So just check your charge before finalizing incase you can only spend say 15.
You like obvious facts? Here is one: There is 1 NA-Serverbox and 1 EU-Serverbox. You cant just change an EU-Server to an AU-Server.
Here is another: The AU-Servers costs about as much as one of the serverboxes in EU or NA
Last facts: Flaming is not bringing you anywhere, and calling it unfair, that the people, providing you a complete free mod (in this case hyper, if I am right), are not paying even more money for you, is ridiculous
Just for costs and figures the European dedicated server comes up to around €50/month with plenty of RAM (around 32GB) and a good CPU, this can accommodate a load of servers for this mod (we can probably squeeze a few more in than we already have). The NA server is around $50-60/month (maybe more I can't remember) with around the similar specs as the server above.
Now if we go to the AU side of things we start to run into issues with costs, for a server that is 1 quarter the speed and power the EU/NA servers have you're looking at around $100 - $180 a month and we could only fit only around 4 NI servers with that. So the AU dedicated servers are just far to expensive for someone to run on their own especially if the mod is run off players and our lord Hypernoma, so this is why we use Gameservers Clanpay so AU can pay just for AU. The servers from Gameservers cost around $22 per 17 slot server (16 players 1 admins) and this is PER server not per dedicated server so to answer the question of why we don't have as many AU to EU/NA that's why. They're just far too expensive.
You can't just give space from a EU/NA server to a AU server since you'll get EU/NA ping.
Then if that's the case, are you admins bothered to make it a whole day or two where the AU normal server can be changed to hard?
first dont be rude! admins arent your servants! they dont have to do anything. if you want to say anything you need to be polite!
I was never rude in the first place. I was simply asking a question to the admins if they are bothered to change the gamemode on specific days just for the better of the community.
you are only accusing devs with racism! read your posts. look if you want au server go donate a good amount of money and there will be many au servers! theres nobody is your servant! devs make this mod without any profit. you have to respect them! know that!
You're delusional if you think you're not being rude. This post reeks of undeserved self entitlement and a whole lot of immaturity.