(25-03-2016, 02:14 PM)HappyMeal Wrote: [ -> ] (25-03-2016, 01:29 PM)Lirania Wrote: [ -> ] (25-03-2016, 01:26 PM)HappyMeal Wrote: [ -> ]I started playing a few days ago just wanted to say Hello! I see a few familiar faces on the forums from in game!
I really enjoy this game so far and look forward to playing with you guys! 
Hello there,and welcome to Nordinvasion 
Yeah i have already seen you ingame
If you have any questions,feel free to ask. (:
Other than how do i not suck. I got a lot of my questions answered already :] but ill let you know if my noobishness pops up with new questions lol
First up,you are at a big disadvantage with the early levels.
You have low Stats(lower dmg output,lower attackspeed,lower hp....)
You dont have the greatest armor,yet.
And this game is massively based on teamwork,without a good team you wont get far.
I dont know what class you picked,but my own recommandation would be to start with an Crossbowman.
Its a pretty safe class,you attack from far behind your lines,being protected by the Infantry. You have a really high DMG output and the Crossbows are easy to use.
Having to reload wont hurt,just get in cover and youre safe.
Infantry is proably the hardest,since youre always close to the enemies,and so you can easily get overwhelmed by the enemy forces.
If you do wish to play as an Infantry.i would say play it really careful,try to only fight one enemy.
Use your weapons strenghts
May it be the lenght or a fast hitting one.
The first few Tier of each class are kinda....yeah well not the greatest. But when you hit about T3-4 you will see that you wont die that quickly.
But im not the greatest Player,so maybe someone else has better ideas for you. But so far this is all i can think of.
Sorry for my bad english :b