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Full Version: Zetus was griefing
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Zetus had been insulted by someone or something like that. He said he wouldnt die untill he got an apology. So he just ran around blocking all attacks from the last nord. It went on for a long time. He finally killed the last nord and then he started writing shit to other players aswell.
And he was also racist.

[Image: mb1ka.jpg]

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[Image: mb3j.jpg]

[Image: mb5j.jpg]
no screenshots but have witnessed similiar behaviour from Zetus on other occasions.
Yep I admit it. I was so pissed off because unfortunately I am from poland myself and I happen to understand the crap polish players say to me. The situation was quite simple. MiKsTeN died before me and since polish players hardly ever know English he started to insult me in his native language. Some of the insults are visible on the first screen shot posted by Markatt.

And yes I argue with polish players a lot. They whore the best weapons, they glitch and exploit whatever they can they spam the chat with their native language, but the worst thing is that they think they are awesome. Even ultra pro WSC_Crush_the_evil glitched trappers by aiming down with a two handed weapon so bots couldn't hit him.

Sorry to all of You that had to wait on that round.
its not glitch  Smile

not my fail that bots aim to do headshot :p

its just bad AI

edit: I am disappointed of your english ;/
I have sent you a light warning Zetus. While I don't understand Polish so I don't know what they said to you reacting like that only makes the community worse. I understand that you can be frustrated by trash talk, but the answer is not to do it yourself.

Next time please take screenshots and post them here with a translation and we will double check it and perhaps they are the ones ending up being warned/punished in the long run.