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NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - Printable Version

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Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - Mr_Awesome - 30-12-2012

Character Name: VLKA_Mr_Awesome
Level: 52
Class: Commando
Equipment: barrel EK trans ect.
Role: Shielder
Location: NA
Volunteer to be Captain: Yes

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - YunYun - 30-12-2012

Character Name: The_Lion_YunYun
Level: 52
Class: Sniper
Equipment: hurricane, bronze, barrel, torch
Role: Light the day
Location: EU

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - Sagul - 30-12-2012

Character Name: ON_ Orik
Level: 52
Class: commander or pikemann
Equipment: some weapons and heavy barricade/medic box
Role: slasher/healer
Location: EU

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - Marius - 30-12-2012

Character name: LithuanianTM_Marius
Level:30 (it could be higher until event)
Class: heavy longbowman
Equipment: khergit arrows, long bow, deployable shield
Role: Archer/Tinkerer
Location(NA/EU/AU): EU
Volunteer to be Captain?: no

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - killerORCA - 31-12-2012

Character Name: [LK]Orca
Equipment: reg pikeman gear ( heavy plated, jarids, etc...)
Role: slasher/thrower  ;D
Location: NA

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - YuriTheRed - 31-12-2012

Event starts may be delayed.

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - YuriTheRed - 31-12-2012

Event has started
there are 2 servers up: NI_NewYear_Normal and NI_NewYear_Hard
Passwords for both are:Finally

You can join even if you didn't sign in, but those that  signed in has a priority which means that if servers are full and someone that signed in wants to join someone that didn't sign in will have to leave.

For all the time of playing on event you have to be in one of the event TS channels.(except Ryu, i know he hates TS =P)

Never kite!!

Listen to a captain if you have one, if not still go with the team.

Have fun and enjoy

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - SgtEcho - 31-12-2012

Character Name: SgtEcho
Level: 37
Class: Heavy Skirmisher
Equipment: German Poleaxe/Basics
Role: Slasher
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - Weiner - 31-12-2012

Level: 41
Class: Commando
Equipment: SKS,Steel Sword, War Cleaver,Medic Box
Role: Dunno
Location(NA/EU/AU): AU
Volunteer to be Captain?:NOPE

Re: NewYear's Event 31.12.2012-1.1.2013 - moe - 31-12-2012

Character Name: FC_Moe2 
Level: 51
Class: Pikemen+ infentry
Equipment: Best pikemen armor, Snake halberd, jarids
Role: Skirmisher
Location(NA/EU/AU): NA