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Companion/bodyguard - Printable Version

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Companion/bodyguard - Wolfsblood - 14-02-2012

So me and a few guys playing NI were going over ideas of things that we could implement into this mod and one idea that struck us was a possible persistent bodyguard/companion option. me being an archer thought that this would be great so i dont always have to look over my shoulder for some flanking nord or sneaky assassin. of course worries for this might be OP problems, server overload issues and la de da, however i would like a simple yes or no from a dev for the possiblity/immposibilty for somthing along these lines and also input from other players as to how we could make this work

thank you

(excuse the rambling and grammar its 4 in the morn here and im working off four hours of sleep)

Re: Companion/bodyguard - Kwal - 14-02-2012

I'll let you hire me for 10k per hour. Level 43 Commando

Re: Companion/bodyguard - Wolfsblood - 14-02-2012

lol if i had that kind of money  ;D.......anyway i suppose i forgot to mention the part that these guys would be AI 

Re: Companion/bodyguard - freiwulf - 14-02-2012

That's a great idea and leap 10k an hour minus 5k per death lol

Re: Companion/bodyguard - Wolfsblood - 15-02-2012

ok, so im looking at the polls and i see a lot a mixed views towards the idea posted, if u have a view on whether this idea is good/bad/watever please post a response

thank you

Re: Companion/bodyguard - Fingus - 15-02-2012

I think trying to make one game become another (Skyrim?) is the wrong way to do it. But I do think Kwal is your answer, a high level player would definitely help you level, but why pay for it when this mod is about teamwork and the servers are full of people with a common goal; to survive. In other words, it is by observing your teammates and responding to the situation at hand that you will last the longest.

PS: Is this just a fix for lack of battle awareness?

Re: Companion/bodyguard - Wolfsblood - 15-02-2012

oh, im not worried bout leveling, it was just an idea thrown out there

P.S. is

Re: Companion/bodyguard - Fingus - 15-02-2012

(15-02-2012, 01:45 PM)Wolfsblood link Wrote: P.S. is

Haha, +1 to karma for an honest answer Wink

Re: Companion/bodyguard - Wolfsblood - 15-02-2012


Re: Companion/bodyguard - SnRolls - 15-02-2012

Wolf, you can hire me for 3k per hour, new player, gonna level fast for you if you hire me.