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Crossbow - Vint - 21-02-2012

Why crossbow is so damn bad now? I mean crossbow skill is pretty low even for archers (thats ranged weapon specialists,why skill value for xbow is only half from bow skill then?), yes crossbow have good damage but while you shoot 1 bolt archer will shoot 5-7 arrows and most of em will be headshots. Accuracy isnt great,even bow is more accurate (why? crossbow is pretty easy to aim, much easier compared to bow). Shield penetration when it goes to heavy armored nords with shields? - nope bolts dont ever go through shields making this weapon slow and useless vs high armored targets. So whats the trick with it or i just dont understand specific of this weapon?Its useless even as support weapon for infantry, much easier to take bow and headshot everyone at the speed of light.
P.S. Maybe its good idea to make crossbow support slot weapon for infantry,maybe not.

Re: Crossbow - Nightwish - 21-02-2012

Yeah the crossbows are kind of poo. In my opinion they should either be made a little more powerfull or made much cheaper.

Re: Crossbow - Diablo - 21-02-2012

Yeah, since they got rid of horse archery, maybe give it powercrossbowdraw or something like that, haha. Kindof like the idea to give infantry crossbows too, maybe being a higher rank than a ranger to use one, but still give it to them.

Another thing which really isn't related, but I feel like this also applies to the throwing weapons, since throwing counts as a ranged weapon, at longbowman I only have 50 thrown wpf, which is low compared to the 150 archery wpf and 100 crossbow wpf also at my class, which really makes it hard if you want to be a thrower, and the earlier tier infantries doesn't even get powerthrow/throw wpf, so no use hybriding there, not to mention the lower increments of thrown weapons compared to the bow users.

Re: Crossbow - Isatis - 21-02-2012

I think a legendary crossbow would help crossbow cause.

Re: Crossbow - clickeverywhere - 21-02-2012

It would be interesting if the maximum throwing or crossbow WPF can be attained only by getting Tier 3 Infantry and Archer, creating an incentive to hybridize. Seeing as both these niches have not been filled (you rarely see players using crossbows or throwing weapons due to their ineffectiveness). I feel crossbows should definitely get a buff; perhaps having 4 to 5 times the damage of a bow would make them worth it as they are slower and aren't affected by power draw.

Re: Crossbow - Huscarlton Banks - 21-02-2012

Agree on revamping crossbows.

Since high-end bows already fill the headshot sniping niche, and fire much more quickly, it might be a good idea to give lategame crossbows some sort of unique gameplay element.

Possible changes/Ideas:
Overall damage buff to compensate for lack of power draw, and inferior reload speed
Massive increase to projectile speed
Reliable pierce-through-shield
Legendary/Difficult to craft crossbow that can fire bolts without reloading, or at least more than one without reloading.
Low Ammo Count Bolts (Explosive/Incendiary/etc) with a high enough bonus against shields to shatter them in 1-2 hits
Low Ammo Count Bolts that can cause knockdown

Re: Crossbow - Sighvatr - 22-02-2012

They should just make them powerful.

Re: Crossbow - scott_slod - 26-02-2012

look the problem with the current problem is that current bows got a lot more powerful then in the normal game play and also got a big nerf in speed making them rather fasterĀ  versions of xbows then just bows. bows need speed and range while xbows needs brute power and a longer reload then bows.