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Swadian Town - No Clipped Building - Printable Version

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Swadian Town - No Clipped Building - Eldeos - 26-02-2012

As you can see by the video below, I have found a glitch on Swadian Town.

Sorry for the lag, playing in highest graphics.

Re: Swadian Town - No Clipped Building - MrGuarnere - 01-03-2012

Can you reproduce the error after the map is restarted? These glitches are usually caused by nearby barricades and shield walls.

This map has also been updated in the latest patch so this hopefully wont happen.

Re: Swadian Town - No Clipped Building - Hande - 01-03-2012

Yes, map is updated so.. But thanks anyway.  Smile

Re: Swadian Town - No Clipped Building - Eldeos - 01-03-2012

Yeah it doesn't work anymore.

Thanks for fixing!