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Report_calvin- Abusive Language - Printable Version

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Report_calvin- Abusive Language - Trizbane - 14-07-2013

I have been playing regularly on the AU Normal server and i came across a player calvin abusing another player for what he figured as being bad at the game. KJ (who had over 170 ping and was a low level)was left last alive against the last skirmisher, calvin then stated that he is "so shit if he died" then shortly after KJ was killed and calvin continued to make fun of him. (This occurred roughly 7:30 PM 12th July EST time)

A couple of days later, i was again playing on the Australian normal server where this time, calvin decided to abuse me. I had killed last accidentally on the follower and skirmisher rounds and calvin abused me for that (which i ignored) then on the wave before troopers i was left to save last with over 300 ping as i was lagging, so, i noticed that the 3 other players had pretty much finished restoring health and ammo, so i killed last as there is no way i would have been able to save with that ping. After i had killed the Nord Shock trooper calvin abused me by calling me a "dick". (This occurred roughly 11:30 AM 14th July EST)
I am unsure as to whether calvin generally believes that he is just being funny and can get away with abusing players in this way(though, during both instances i reminded him that abusing players can be a ban-able offence, though he still continues to abuse players).
The screenshots to prove these 2 instances are below. There is a time stamp for the date i uploaded each shot.

(If there is a technical problem with viewing these screenshots please inform me)

Re: Report_calvin- Abusive Language - Ragnash - 14-07-2013

Abusing players directly is frowned upon. If you feel a player is being abusive to you or a server jump on IRC here

In this instance the correct thing to do is let an admin know.
