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Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - Printable Version

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Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - Legend - 15-07-2013

Oh well it is. But with a clear set of ideas.

No need for new maps , take the ones already implemented , example and explanation following :

Let`s say there are 17 players in a normal server and they manage to beat the prince (triggering prince death). So , each player id gets tracked and the house the player is in gets one point. If there is a player not in a house, there will be no point (should encourage more housing Smile) . So e.g. there were four vlkas in the server when the prince got beaten, means VLKA got 4 points.

If the Nords win, they gain points equal number of players (map change, Boss still alive). And the players on the server representing the house get minus points (ofc not fewer than zero)

Further on do not only show the points in the house page but also on the forums as an overall status thingy.

Now do something with the points. Let the houses grow in influence with points, getting them special stuff. Or money or whatever. If the nord grow in points make them even harder , like a health buff or let them appear in more numbers or let them spawn more deadlier nords more often.

That would make the whole thing more immersive and people would actually care even more if they loose or not.

Please tell me your thoughts about this and\or suggestions.



Re: Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - Tiber_Carlson - 15-07-2013

Love it  Big Grin

Re: Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - iBlue - 15-07-2013

this would virtually kill pubbing with your characters still in the house and have people leave their house before attending a pub. Probably lead to more rage over people who dont contribute enough to the team, plain redshirt or just a casual leecher treated nearly the same.
Usually publics end in a wipe, sooner or later, often because of a lack of barricades and a barrel. Prince kills are rare.
Would also punish soloing which i am not against.
IF however a new campaign server is added just for the funsies of higher level characters with a level limit of ~49 (normal mode and hardmode) this could actually work.
On a side note:
max gained points 16
max lost points 40
first wave wipe, 0 points lost
2nd wave wipe 40
3rd ... 19th -2 points lost each wave
ending in  6 points lost for last wave.

Re: Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - Legend - 15-07-2013

(15-07-2013, 05:11 AM)iBlue link Wrote: this would virtually kill pubbing with your characters still in the house and have people leave their house before attending a pub. Probably lead to more rage over people who dont contribute enough to the team, plain redshirt or just a casual leecher treated nearly the same.

Well i hope this will lead to more teamwork and thoughtfull gaming instead, but i se your point.

Usually publics end in a wipe, sooner or later, often because of a lack of barricades and a barrel. Prince kills are rare.

This could change that. Also , this was attempting to all modes, but on a second thought maybe it should be "only" hard and ragnarök mode. you have to be at least 32 then, should help.

Would also punish soloing which i am not against.

It is a team - game, the devs trying to get rid of soloing for ages.

IF however a new campaign server is added just for the funsies of higher level characters with a level limit of ~49 (normal mode and hardmode) this could actually work.

well from 32 then.

On a side note:
max gained points 16
max lost points 40
first wave wipe, 0 points lost
2nd wave wipe 40
3rd ... 19th -2 points lost each wave
ending in  6 points lost for last wave.

that sounds good.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Re: Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - iBlue - 15-07-2013

just on a sidenote*
i am not against punishing soloing some, rather than not against soloing Smile
32 sounds good for normal campaign yes, but maybe 39 for hardmode?

I was thinking of a similar event campaign too where points and wins/losses would be manually controlled but would put even more stress on the devs.
I was thinking about using the maps we have to organise several events connected by a story. To that end, player cap could be raised and play a no barricade/tome/barrel games featuring only healing kits, ammo boxes and deployables (Sieges)? Or even salvage a native battle map for a skirmish against the nord waves featuring no drops other than XP. a normal battle featuring some 80 NI players on a very open map, playing shieldwall and being awsome?? Respawns included and nord numbers nerfed a bit. They'll get breaktrough and assasins etc so they're deadly enough (hardmode)

Re: Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - Legend - 15-07-2013

That seems a bit over-the-top, at least for now. Would need a ton of coding and mapping to be included.

Re: Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - iBlue - 15-07-2013

you misunderstand Smile
I was thinking of normal nord spawning and we restrict ourselves like in scavanger while we try to hold the fort. (siege)
as for the battle i mentioned, you only need to make a map and place 3 spawn points, then use the existing NI game mode to make a pretend battle. Nords spawn in waves and we try to slash trough them without barricades and as little as possible kiting. (Maybe make it 4 directions and we're in the middle.

Re: Not Yet another campaigne suggestion - Legend - 15-07-2013

that sounds more like role-playing or an Adminwar Smile wrong direction mate