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Hurricane Bow - Printable Version

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Hurricane Bow - Tarimoth - 10-03-2012

Just checking.. is this bow usable from horseback, anyone know for sure? Really need to find out :p

Re: Hurricane Bow - clickeverywhere - 10-03-2012


This is pure speculation, of course. But seeing how the devs have been trying to remove all traces of horse archery, even if it were usable this patch it would merely be the result of some oversight. It would be promptly removed.

Sorry that I cannot say for certain, the only person I know with the Hurricane bow does not ride horses. If you wish to be certain, you could go into singleplayer and try to test it out.

Re: Hurricane Bow - Kong Ming - 11-03-2012

Ask Sphinx, he has one, and it should say in-game whether it can be used on horseback.  But like Click said, give up on the idea of horse-archery.  It's the devs' policy to eliminate it from the game.

Re: Hurricane Bow - Tarimoth - 11-03-2012

Thank you all for replies! Checked singleplayer, found the bow - says "Not usable on Horseback"
Too bad :p

Re: Hurricane Bow - Sphinx - 11-03-2012

Fiendish bow was usable (might still be) but for sure hurricane cannot. HA was massively nerfed due to the easiness to solo very far (kiting + ranged = win win). Dont even get me started on HT ... If only it was doable that'd be something cool