My 0.40 bugs - Kwal - 05-04-2012
- My bugs in the new patch so far:
- I still have and can still equip Donator's Pony, need to see if it also spawns ingame but I'm guessing it does.It doesn't

- Trained Ponies and Small Ponies are also still available.
- There is still a 'Horse' link in the Marketplace, although there are no horses or ponies in it.
- Banded Mail Armor says it's usable by Commando and Knight, and probably didn't get a stat increase (would be nice too if it showed stats on the website).
- I can't equip my Nordic Warlord Helmet, even though it says it's usable by Commando only. It got removed along with most Nord equipment.
- Grinder Helmet hasn't gotten an increase on the website.
- Not sure if bug, but Long Awl Pike is usable by Sergeant and Commando while I think it should be a Skirmisher weapon rather than weapons such as the Great Long Axe. Fixed.
- Alchemist lost a lot of crafting stuff and has no replacements but I'm sure that's being worked on

- Stolen from Blackrebel's misunderstood thread: the first tier for the Crossbowman is spelled 'Crosbowman'. Ouch! Fixed.
I'll let you know when they are fixed for me or if I find any more.