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WTB Ink of Life/Large Gold Bar - Printable Version

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WTB Ink of Life/Large Gold Bar - Maroon - 18-09-2013

Hiya, I'm looking to buy these nice materials!
I have the following to offer:
4 x Bear Fur
2 x Bronze Arrowhead
1 x Sulphur
1 x Hardened Leather
1 x Damascus Steel
1 x Eagle Feather
Sold for 105k.
1.3 Million dollahs in cash.

Can possibly also sell some gear for it (Swad Halberd, Heavy lamellar, etc)
Let me know if you have some of these mats for sale, preferably in this thread instead of over PM.

P.S. I need a total of 2 Ink of Life or the mats for it, should you be wondering.

Re: WTB Ink of Life/Large Gold Bar - Maroon - 20-09-2013


Re: WTB Ink of Life/Large Gold Bar - Maroon - 21-09-2013

Locked, due to current rediculous prices for these mats.