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WTB: 2 Eagle Feathers - Printable Version

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WTB: 2 Eagle Feathers - Leberkass - 22-11-2013

Hello everybody,

I also need 2 more Eagle Feathers for my fancy arrows.
So if you have got any post below or PM me I will offer 170k.

PM me or post below how much you have got some of those nice things ;D
Greets Tarrod

Re: WTB: All the Waters - Nici - 18-12-2013

What's your crafting goal?;0

Re: WTB: All the Waters - Leberkass - 18-12-2013

Tome is my crafting goal

Re: WTB: All the Waters - BlackSniper - 20-12-2013

Well, I have 1 Water. My id is: 2449552
If i'm in, trade to..?

Re: WTB: 12 Eagle Feathers - Leberkass - 27-12-2013


Re: WTB: 12 Eagle Feathers - FV_HappyMonk3y99 - 28-12-2013

ill sell you one eagle feather for 170k my id is 2462970, i also have 2 waters if you want to offer anything for those

Re: WTB: 2 Eagle Feathers - Leberkass - 12-01-2014

Got all Eagles.
Thanks to all who sold me their feathers and a big thank you to Mythik for giving me the cash so fast.
Just need to wait for the new patch. Smile
Greets Tarrod