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Unbann ON_Warner - Printable Version

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Unbann ON_Warner - 2Smacks - 24-01-2014

ask you can recall i was reported for Gilicthing. As i understand that was an big thing for gilicthing. So im here to ask if i can be unbanned.I Love this mod i play this everyday.i like how the devs created it its wonderfull.This is the first time i ever got banned before on Nordinvasion i Sorry for what i have done.i learned my mistakes if you can have an good heart and unbann me i wont break any rules at all im sorry for i e.have done.

Re: Unbann ON_Warner - Warpath123 - 25-01-2014

I vouch for Warner to be Unbanned

Re: Unbann ON_Warner - 2Smacks - 25-01-2014

Thank you Warpath  ;D

Re: Unbann ON_Warner - Deer - 25-01-2014

Just giving some back story here...Pretty sure this is the same guy...

also, I'm pretty sure that he got the idea to use this glitch from...

so, he probably knew good and well what he was doing
I'm sure he's not a bad kid. I'm just laying out the facts.

Re: Unbann ON_Warner - Hypernoma - 25-01-2014

Please follow the instructions that Kip gave you.

Re: Unbann ON_Warner - 2Smacks - 25-01-2014

No i didnt even know about the gilicth until i saw the Nords couldnt get up Kip told not but i really want to play NI how come that Lolly pop got junbanned but he was unbanned these i dont understand

Re: Unbann ON_Warner - Hypernoma - 25-01-2014

Well that seems like a viable tactic. The difference is rational discussion and that he did not have a list of reports the size of my arm.

Do as Kip told you and make more posts like the one above at your peril.