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Report: HC_FreakyZz - Printable Version

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Report: HC_FreakyZz - human_being - 11-03-2014

I am so tired of players kiting on Port Assault and as soon as players leave join ,they spam them "Let us kite (please)" "go please" "can you leave" and if other refrain to do so, they just suicide to "waste" the good map.
The reported player did this several times in the last weeks and I am just tired of such behaviour.

I want to point out that the reported player is NOT the only player who does that, it just reached a point when i started pissing me off.

Server: Hard_EU2 (not too sure about that)
~4.35 pm CEST

if this is seen as a minor thing, I am sorry for overacting but this just pisses me off as it happens daily

Re: Report: HC_FreakyZz - iMarc7 - 11-03-2014

wut? i dont kited today on Normal?? Which time is CEST?
EDIT: and Yesterday was my PC on Repair

Re: Report: HC_FreakyZz - human_being - 11-03-2014

(11-03-2014, 04:22 PM)FreakyZ link Wrote: wut? i dont kited today on Normal?? Which time is CEST?
EDIT: and Yesterday was my PC on Repair

actually it was hard, yep.

Re: Report: HC_FreakyZz - Ramos_Caoliki - 11-03-2014

I will admit to being there it was today around mid afternoon at as he said around 2pm. What he fails to mention is that we both asked politely multiple times and we decided to leave after another six people joined and effectively ruined the map since port assault is hard enough and playing with 8 people makes it an impossible waste of time. Freaky didn't "Suicide" We decided to leave to try and find another server after attempting many times to do so only to have it ruined by many people randomly joining despite there being plenty of other servers and more full servers with better maps. We knew your right to stay in the game so we didn't persist or use profanity. How ever i recall being called a "douch" for asking someone to leave ( This person i expect being yourself.)