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Wanting Striped Armor - Printable Version

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Wanting Striped Armor - Talgion Cheeseliker - 29-04-2012

I'm looking for someone to either sell me or, seeing as I have not the funds to afford a suit of Striped Armor (this comparing to the average prices I keep seeing it go for) someone to make it for me. I suppose that I could get you the mats, but it could take a very long time, as I cannot craft the mats needed to make the Striped Armor. I would either have to buy those mats directly, or acquire the mats needed to make the mats that are needed to make Striped Armor.

Re: Wanting Striped Armor - clickeverywhere - 29-04-2012

I can make the oil and dye for you. You can check here for the required materials.

Re: Wanting Striped Armor - Chris - 29-04-2012

I will happily make the armour plates, straps and silk for you when you have the mats. And eventually the armour when you have everything.

The striped armour requires:
20 x Armor Plate (0 / 20)
15 x Strap (0 / 15)
5 x Silk (0 / 5)
10 x Oil (0 / 10)
2 x Dye (0 / 2)
4 x Quality Charcoal (0 / 4)

1x Armour Plate=
1 x Quality Charcoal (0 / 1)
3 x Hardened Metal (0 / 3)

1x Strap=
3 x Heavy Cloth (0 / 3)
1 x Fine Needle (0 / 1)

1x Silk=
3 x Heavy Cloth (0 / 3)
1 x Hydra Leaf (0 / 1)
1 x Fine Needle (0 / 1)

This means that you will require in total:
80x Hardend Metal
24x Quality Charcoal
60x Heavy Cloth
15x Hydra Leaf
20x Fine Needle
50x Spurn berry
14x Sturdy Wood
2x Quality Candle
6x Nem Flower

Re: Wanting Striped Armor - Talgion Cheeseliker - 29-04-2012

Thank you both. I'll just need to start acquiring these things. Lord, help me...

ADDED: I currently have everything for Striped Armor except 80 Hardened Metal and 60 Heavy Cloth. (unless I missed something)

Re: Wanting Striped Armor - PK_Ultrasonic - 06-07-2012

I have a set i can sell for 400k. just pm me

Re: Wanting Striped Armor - Sepsis - 06-07-2012

i can craft the plates and straps and then the armor as well. always willing to help  SB