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Money/Gold? - Printable Version

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Money/Gold? - Inquisitioner - 30-04-2012

I'm just curious.. How the hell can one amass a wealth of 1mil+? I mean the prices on legendary items are insane.

Dose anyone have a tip on get a hold of this kind of wealth?

And how do you get legendary weapons? The fiendish bow specifically. Is it some super late wave, rare drop rate item?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before.

Re: Money/Gold? - Huscarlton Banks - 30-04-2012

Think the only "fast" way is to sell materials/crafted items.

I got my first million from selling an orange transitional from an extra camel I had.

I actually think the prices on legendary items are a bit low at the moment, because the drop rate has been considerably lowered and only wave 12+ bosses drop them now.

Re: Money/Gold? - Inquisitioner - 30-04-2012

I see, thanks for the quick answer!

Re: Money/Gold? - BP - 01-05-2012

I farmed hard mode got lots of hardened metal and (metal) = sell = win!!!

Re: Money/Gold? - Birdtalon - 01-05-2012

Well you can play the market or grind. Playing the market requires more skill. Grind requires more time.

Re: Money/Gold? - Tarimoth - 01-05-2012

Remember back when 10k was impossible amounts of gold.
The basic answer is this: When you've got a system in which more gold is transfered to the players (through looting) than is being removed (there is no repair system in NI, thank the gods) - you will end up with the amount of money growing at an extreme rate, which will also, ofcourse, reduce the value of money-per-coin. This can suck as a new player, as you have to spend alot of time "catching up" but get lucky, loot a legendary, and you're good to go! :p

Re: Money/Gold? - Freland - 04-05-2012

Prices will keep increasing. The current system leads to high inflation as more and more money is in circulation. I actually think money will be so worthless that nobody will sell legendaries for gold anymore.

As long as the devs don't implement some kind of money sink this is inevitable.

Possible money sinks that I don't like:
- higher market fees
- sharp (x100) increase for buyable crafting goods (charcoal, candle,...)
- higher fees for houses, inviting players
- reselling of crafted stuff to the market even more discouraged

Better money sinks:
- Potions which you can use only one time. These could be buffs for 30 minutes to health, damage or some skill.
- Make explosive barrels and resurrection tomes buyable on the market (let's say for 5k-10k). But you can only use them one time.

Re: Money/Gold? - OneEyE - 04-05-2012

(04-05-2012, 12:22 PM)Freland link Wrote: I actually think money will be so worthless that nobody will sell legendaries for gold anymore
Thats it. Legendary are only traded with other legendary + money. Money isnt worth much atm. We need a central bank to hold the prices stable. You can do it with taxes or other instruments.