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Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - Printable Version

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Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - -Perception- - 12-04-2014

It has always annoyed me to see the messed up textures on those Nord's gauntlets, why not simply restore it to the Native gauntlets? Looks so much better..

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - gvn1999 - 12-04-2014

I dont see anything wrong on the gauntlets (if you mean the standard NordInvasion-bot-gauntlets)

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - -Perception- - 12-04-2014

So youre telling me this looks perfectly fine? Maybe its just my version, but this certainly looks like something went wrong.

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - gvn1999 - 12-04-2014

(12-04-2014, 08:07 PM)-Perception- link Wrote: So youre telling me this looks perfectly fine? Maybe its just my version, but this certainly looks like something went wrong.
I can´t see anything wrong on this picture, the mapping is just fine, (although it looks a little bit crooked on your picture, which its not in my game) and the black is part of the texture actually.

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - Brego - 13-04-2014

No gvn, that's not how it's supposed to look..

One way to fix it yourself is to just go into the texture folder of nordinvasion and just rename or delete the texture sheet called "gauntlets_new". I'm not sure if there's any other models that use the texture though, so if it is you might get other stuff looking weird.

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - -Perception- - 13-04-2014

Finally someone who knows what he is talking about..  Smile
Been searching for that texture, thanks Brego, I ll update this thread with a fixed version later.

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - -Perception- - 14-04-2014

Could anybody explain why this was changed?

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - -Perception- - 24-02-2015


To fix this just delete "" from your Nordinvasion/Textures directory.

Re: Fix the UV mapping on the Nord's Gauntlets - Faultyr - 24-02-2015

(24-02-2015, 05:04 PM)-Perception- link Wrote: Bump

To fix this just delete "" from your Nordinvasion/Textures directory.

I agree with you Perception, this should be fixed.