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Dogs of War House - Printable Version

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Dogs of War House - Vaahl - 23-04-2014


We have been away for sometime, now obviously this means our house went into Bankruptcy while we where away.

Now without engaging brain I left the house (since that was the only option I was given) in hope of recreating it only to receive 'this name is already in use', is there away I can recreate our house or have me reinstated back in (I was the captain ) and the house revived from it current state?

Character Name: DoW_Vaahl
Character Id: 17506
House Name: Dogs of War

Thank you in advanceĀ  - Vaahl :3

Re: Dogs of War House - Vaahl - 27-04-2014

I have solved this so i shall lock the thread.

Cheers - Vaahl Smile