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Report: WildKing_Triceratops - Printable Version

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Report: WildKing_Triceratops - Tsukiyomi - 07-05-2014

May 07, 2014, 06:58:23 PM
Server:  Hard EU2

This player came in with no gear, blew our only barrel, then proceeded to break every barricade we had placed while constantly being asked not to.  We wiped, then next map he proceeded to do the same exact thing in the presence of admins.  Although this was dealt with by the admins and IRC, I was advised to make this post. 

*edit - my sceens aren't loading for whatever reason.  I'm sure others have plenty to add though Wink

Re: Report: WildKing_Triceratops - Fuzzy_Lumpkin - 07-05-2014

He came into a normal_EU2 server and destroyed all the cades before pikes.

Re: Report: WildKing_Triceratops - scubasteve - 07-05-2014

Having trouble posting pics, but i can vouch for susanoo

Re: Report: WildKing_Triceratops - Pᴀᴛʀᴏᴋʟᴏsᵀᴹ - 07-05-2014

Yes we are watching him now.

Re: Report: WildKing_Triceratops - k4mi - 07-05-2014


Re: Report: WildKing_Triceratops - [UK]_The_Irish_Eagle - 07-05-2014

Hi all

To explain this player was first of all Temp Banned for his actions on Hard EU 2

He then joined Norm EU 2 and broke cades to allow Vet Pikemen in.  The round ended and as I was putting in the Ban with the reasons
he commenced to break cades on the next map.  Hence the Ban.
