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Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - Printable Version

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Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - The_Rdm_Knight - 19-05-2014

Alright ive got a problem here,

Wdl_Carter_Sniper says commando needs heal wow, i dont know if thats an insult or i am just a bad player anyways.
Carter starts talking germans to her/hes friend, its about me, i have no clue what she/he is saying about me, i take it as an insult to talk about me in a other language, cause i cant understand whats going on. So..i shout out racist besterd, than she/he wants to report me, im just very confused about it, i want it cleared up.

evidence :

Re: Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - Maroon - 19-05-2014

FYI, he said "Old Governor has overtaken you, Leon", probably referring to the amount of kills you had. Hardly an insult.

Re: Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - gvn1999 - 19-05-2014

something like "governor has overtaken you leon!"
(19-05-2014, 02:18 PM)Maroon link Wrote: FYI, he said "Old Governor has overtaken you, Leon", probably referring to the amount of kills you had. Hardly an insult.
I dont see any insult there (but landing straight in another report after getting unbanned is quite an accomplishment o.O)

Re: Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - Pᴀᴛʀᴏᴋʟᴏsᵀᴹ - 19-05-2014

Is governor reporting himself for saying "racist besterd" ? I don't get this xD
To be honest I did expect something else when I saw this report but Carter hasn't done anything wrong here.

Re: Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - The_Rdm_Knight - 19-05-2014

I cant speak should i know it wasnt a insult about me, Meh :/.

Re: Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - Maroon - 19-05-2014

(19-05-2014, 02:36 PM)The_Governor link Wrote: I cant speak should i know it wasnt a insult about me, Meh :/.

Same way I did, this magical place called Google translate. My German is weak at best, so all you had to do was write down that line in the screenshot you took in Google translate, and voilá. Saves us all quite some time.

Re: Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - The_Rdm_Knight - 19-05-2014

Very well, thanks for the co-operation, everything is fixed, as you say so.

Re: Report: Wdl_Carter_Sniper - Benschie - 19-05-2014


These report threads are getting pretty bad, yet another reminder people the report players thread is for actual offence's/racist behaviour, glitching and people who break the game's rules... not how one feels after a run in ni, maybe a dear diary thread would help some people.

Ok yes he spoke in a different language while in game and technically that is not allowed (Makes life alot easier on the devs) but this doesn't really seem like something the devs should waste their time on.

As per normal... if there is an issue in server and it isn't either someone glitching or being stupidly offensive we don't want to hear about it here, goto IRC and just ask for assistance from one of our fine admins, be patient and I'm sure one will get to you as soon as they see IRC.
