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WTS: Eastern Repeater Crossbow - Printable Version

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WTS: Eastern Repeater Crossbow - Sosruko - 25-05-2014

[s]Selling or trading this awesome Chosen Marksman weapon. Compared to the regular Repeater it reloads 17% faster with one extra bolt and is 19% more accurate with 5% less damage per shot. However the total amount of time it takes to empty a fully reloaded 7-bolt magazine is about equal to the time it takes a regular Repeater to empty it's 6-bolt magazine meaning Eastern Repeater has potentially higher overall damage output.

I am currently open to all offers so keep them coming. If you want to offer an item of higher value I can try to balance. For reference the total crafting cost of Eastern Repeater Crossbow is around 4.2 million gold.
