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Report: [EITRI]Sir_Firbus_BRD - Printable Version

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Report: [EITRI]Sir_Firbus_BRD - Casio - 31-05-2014

So I was soloing on Hard NA 1 earlier and Firebus joined. I didn't mind and gave him the notion I wanted an arrow. He shot one and picked it back up and kept doing this until I was killed. He then proceeded to solo to the next spawn wave. I asked him why he did what he did and apparently it's because he wants to solo, he owns the server, my gear is shit and he doesn't know me. You should respect others even if you don't know them. I don't really mind him saying that I suck, because honestly I couldn't care for his opinion, but just the amount of disrespect he had towards me. It frustrates me that he acts all high and mighty just because he thinks he is better than some.  Some others that can vouch for this are Sniper_Thorpe and UK_Marius.


Re: Report: [EITRI]Sir_Firbus_BRD - Sir_Firebus - 31-05-2014

Grow a pair, I let you spawn in on 4 8 and I lost connection on 12. I called you awful because you had 10 kills and I had 80. I still killed the bots every round. You dieing is your own fault.

Re: Report: [EITRI]Sir_Firbus_BRD - Hande - 03-06-2014

Player warned.