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WTB Hurricane Bow / Upgrading Legendaries - Printable Version

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WTB Hurricane Bow / Upgrading Legendaries - Winter - 04-07-2014

I would like to one of the weapons I use.  Below will be listed some possible trades I thought of.  If you are interested but want me to add, feel free to PM and we can try to work something out.

Fiendish Bow + Fearsome Knight Helmet > Hurricane Bow (Can find additional balance)

Fiendish Bow + Eastern Katana > Ullrs Bane + __________________

Dragon halberd + 5 million gold + Sarrisa > Naval Glaive/Pike of Kings/Jormungandr(Can find additional balance)

5 million gold + Sarrisa > Sun Pike

5 million gold/4 million gold + Sarissa > Thunder Pike

Eastern Katana/Legacy + 5 million gold > Dragon Breath/Twigs(Can find additional balance)

If you have your own idea of changing one of the previously mentioned trade suggestions, that is also good.

Re: WTB Hurricane Bow / Upgrading Legendaries - Winter - 05-07-2014

Purchased, now to try out my new toy.