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Report Aticus_Finch - Printable Version

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Report Aticus_Finch - Midren - 10-07-2014

          After a long discussion clearing up a ordeal in which the actions of a new player seemed like trolling to myself, and this being resolved and the term "saving" explained to said new player, Mr. Aticus decided it would be a great idea to start spamming chat with "Last" and "Save" purely to be annoying.[Image: E6203681F92B579721461B2A44066DF8F803CE1A]
As a pointer none of the nords killed in the logs were last as the sargent was still alive, since i dont know if that image has appeared correctly
that is the steam link. this is not the first time i personaly have had issues with this player, however this is the only one i have screen captured and documented