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Reopen a house? - Printable Version

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Reopen a house? - Sir_Mike - 12-07-2014

Havent been on in awhile and my house is currently bankrupt. Does that mean i have to make a whole new house or is there a way to reopen it? Im currently leader. Thanks

Re: Reopen a house? - Kip - 15-07-2014

Rodrick is the current leader of the house.  If you wish to have ownership transferred, you will need him to post his confirmation.

Re: Reopen a house? - Sir_Rodrick - 16-07-2014

I grant my brother sir_mike house leader. Thank you.

Re: Reopen a house? - Kip - 17-07-2014

Leadership transferred and a bit of gold deducted to reopen it and keep it running a while.