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WTK: Tower Shield and Sun Pike - Printable Version

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WTK: Tower Shield and Sun Pike - Pᴀᴛʀᴏᴋʟᴏsᵀᴹ - 22-09-2014

hey guys there has been a lot of confusion going on how much these both items are worth so if you know a lot about it tell me how much they are worth please Smile
Thanks in advance

Re: WTK: Tower Shield and Sun Pike - Leberkass - 22-09-2014

Ehm the last Tower was sold for around 6-8 mil.
And the last Sun for around 5-7 mil.

Re: WTK: Tower Shield and Sun Pike - Dom - 22-09-2014

Well the last Tower Shield was sold for 9mil maybe a little bit more Tongue

And as for the Sun Pike maybe that could be around 6 - 8.