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PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Printable Version

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PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Sparhawk - 10-07-2012

Yet another event! This time, I want to try one of Huscarlton's ideas for events. On one of the maps coming up in the next event I want to have everyone bring their infantry characters. No matter the level we will try getting through with only Shielders and Slashers.

The maps will be:

[glow=red,2,300]Swadian Overgrown and Lake Town![/glow]

Please sign up with this format:

[b]Character Name:  [/b]

As always, please do not bring bring any Normal Barricades unless one is needed in game. Ideally I would like to have two healers and a Rez Tome (courtesy of Huscarlton).

In case I can't make it and or am called away in the middle of the event, Clickeverywhere will lead. In the event that he doesn't show up, Huscarlton_Banks will lead and if both of these fail, Wolfsblood will be put on the spot.

Also, I would be happy to give up the role of leader to someone else who would like to, and hopefully get a new perspective on things.

Here is the time of the event in the different time zones for those that find it hard to figure out *coughjaroldcough*.

Event Time

Sunday 15th July 21:00 EST
Sunday 15th July 20:00 CST
Sunday 15th July 19:00 MST (?)
Sunday 15th July 18:00 PST
Sunday 15th July 16:00 HAST (?)

EDIT: Please post pictures from the last event  Here

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Kurathis - 10-07-2012

Character NameTongueK_Kurathis
Class: 0/4/1/1
Equipment: Heavy Cade
Role: Shielder/Slasher
Server Choice: Either


Character NameTongueK_Quintus
Class: 4/0/0/0
Equipment: Medic Box/Deployable Board Shield
Role: Sniper/Heal Bot
Server Choice: Either

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Sparhawk - 10-07-2012

On the note of Barricades, if you do not have a Dep Shield or Heavy Barricade please send a trade invite to PK_Armory and you will get a free Dep Shield to have and to hold as long as you live.

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Illithar - 10-07-2012

This has been awesome, despite my inability to stay connected through both maps, thank you guys and esp Sparhawk.

I'm sure the intelligence section of SB will figure out the time, right Capn Jarold?

Oooh! Bright  Shiny.

What was this thread about ? Oh yeah!

Character Name:SB_Illithar
Class: Sniper/Inf
Equipment: War Bow, War Arrows, H Cade
Role: Sniper
Server Choice: Well normal to keep up the prince challenge

Or if normal (need the XP) would prefer:

Character Name: Cu_Chulainn
Equipment: Throwing Axes medium/Military Scythe/Small Medic Box
Role: Skirmisher tier 2/healer
Server Choice: Well normal to keep up the prince challenge

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Wolfsblood - 10-07-2012

wolfsblood or wolfsfang

sniper              commando
Fiendish              cutter, commando shield
'evy cade            dep shiedl

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - lkenage - 10-07-2012

Character NameTongueK_Panlid
Class: Commando
Equipment: Morningstar, Heavy Round Shield x 2, Barricade (Unless I can manage to get heavy cades)
Role: Shielder/Slasher
Server Choice: Both are fine.

On a side note, I hit level 40! Do I get promoted up to Sergeant now?

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - fluffiluffigus - 10-07-2012

Character Name: PK_Fluffiluffigus
Level: 45
Class: Sniper/infantry
Equipment: Sharpshooter bow, deployable shield.
Role: Archer
Server Choice: Normal


Character Name: Fluffiluffy
Level: 30
Class: Sargeant
Equipment: Knightly Kite shield,  medic box, deployable shield
Role: Medic
Server Choice: Normal

On a side note id prefer using the 2nd guy so he can get xp. but if a sniper is needed more i wont mind. and another thing: I have a mic now!

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Illithar - 10-07-2012

Errr, Sparhawk, GMT, right so Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is a time system originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, which later became adopted as a global time standard. It is arguably the same as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

But there is no British Standard Time that is the same as GMT except that GMT is the official time only during winter; during summer British Summer Time is used.

GMT is the same as Western European Time.

British Summer Time (BST) is the civil time during the summer months in the United Kingdom during which the clocks are advanced from UTC, also commonly called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by one hour (UTC+01:00). The British Summer Time period begins on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday of October.

So in short any UK or probably British Isles players will be on British Summer Time at 20:00 not GMT at this time of year. IST – Irish Standard Time is currently on daylight saving time/summer time as well so UTC + 1, the same as BST British Summer Time, otherwise Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland would have an hour time difference on their clocks.

Meanwhile as our Captain is on HAST - Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, UTC/GMT -10 hours, for him and any other Hawaiian’s it’ll be Sunday 15th July 10:00 HAST

Clear, I think so?

Sunday 15th July 20:00 BST (British Standard Time) Really British Summer Time and IST currently
Sunday 15th July 19:00 GMT/UTC
Sunday 15th July 21:00 CEST (Central European Standard Time)
Sunday 15th July 22:00 EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)
Sunday 15th July 12:00 PST
Sunday 15th July 15:00 EST
Monday 16th July 05:30 CST

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Shotgun1 - 10-07-2012

Character NameTongueK_Shotgun
Class: Commando/Milita
Equipment: Medic Box
Role: Slasher/Shielder ( Mabye healing)
Server Choice: Any

Re: PK-SB Event! 7/15/12, Sunday 9PM EST - Sparhawk - 10-07-2012

Sooo you are trying to tell me that I shouldn't copy and paste without a full knowledge of the thing I am pasting?

Scrap the time table anyway, it's set for the Event time so it isn't of any use anyway. I'll just put the US times instead.