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Dead people doesn't raise Bots amount? - Printable Version

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Dead people doesn't raise Bots amount? - _Sophie_ - 17-07-2012

[font=trebuchet ms]So I was playing with CC Ninja (Friend), he died after some rounds.
I went alone, before the round of troopers a lot of people came and joined (All red color in tab),
once I killed the last, a SHITLOAD of Troopers came (Really impossible to kill on your own).
What I try to say is, when people are dead,
that it doesn't raise bot amount, this is probably requested before but I try to convince you  :-X.
I mean, couldn't there be a Maximum amount?
[font=trebuchet ms]It is probably hard to script but like ALL of the Veterans know what I try to say.

Grtz Sophie  :-*

Re: Dead people doesn't raise Bots amount? - Tarimoth - 17-07-2012

This would resolve the problem with people leaving and rejoining servers, basicly going around the game's system, to decrease bot spawn.
However the reason the spawns are this way is because the devs want to make difficulty increase in sort of "waves" up and down: When you get to a boss wave, youll have gone through a "pick out the weak and unlucky" net aka the 3 waves before boss. And this would defeat that idea.

Maybe the amount of players being on the server during spawn wave should determine the amount of bots spawning for the next 4 waves? That would fix every problem, as far as I can see - and people wouldnt be able to leave and rejoin, because then they would either: Not spawn, or: not decrease bot spawn.

Re: Dead people doesn't raise Bots amount? - Kwal - 17-07-2012

I like it, especially Tarimoth's idea, but a risk is one archer or other kiter taking half an hour to kill 4 waves while other people want to play too (and as we know, there aren't always other servers to go to).

Re: Dead people doesn't raise Bots amount? - FireAssassin - 18-07-2012

I like the idea because when you sometimes are at prince with like 4 guys and 12 dead and you ask them to rejoin after botspawn they dont want to because they want to see the prince. And then the 4 guys have to handle a massive anmount of bots..