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Senatus PopulusQue Romanus event - Printable Version

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Senatus PopulusQue Romanus event - Sagittarius - 10-12-2014

Name of House: Senatvs PopvlvsQve Romanvs
Event Date: 14/12/2014
Start Time (please use GMT): 19.00 gmt
Server Region (NA / EU / AU): EU
House Tag (Server Name): SPQR
Server Mode (Normal / Hard / Ragnarok): Hard
Server Password: avecesare
The maps you would like to play: Hidden Cave
Any other considerations:

Re: Senatus PopulusQue Romanus event - FV_HappyMonk3y99 - 11-12-2014

Ill see if i can attend with some of my members though its pivotal on whether you want the help of another house or want to try alone. Also of course my members have their own lives and schedules to attend to first.

Re: Senatus PopulusQue Romanus event - Sagittarius - 11-12-2014

(11-12-2014, 12:06 AM)FV_HappyMonk3y99 link Wrote:Ill see if i can attend with some of my members though its pivotal on whether you want the help of another house or want to try alone. Also of course my members have their own lives and schedules to attend to first.
i sent you pm

Re: Senatus PopulusQue Romanus event - bluzark - 11-12-2014

May I sugget removing the server password from a public post.

Re: Senatus PopulusQue Romanus event - Sagittarius - 11-12-2014

(11-12-2014, 03:49 PM)bluzark link Wrote:May I sugget removing the server password from a public post.

yeah it will be different for sure Smile
anyway thanks