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WTC Swadian Surcoat Overmail - Printable Version

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WTC Swadian Surcoat Overmail - Kriegstofu - 05-02-2015

I've got all the mats, but some need to be crafted from resources

Mats i've got:
40 x Basic Leather (40 hardenedleather)
10 x Silk ( 10 hardleather)
6 x Hardened Leather (6 recipe)
15 x Construction Tools (15pme)
30 x Heavy Cloth (30pme)
9 x Coal (9perfm)
30 x Shade Ore (30 perfm)
6 x Black Steel (6perfm)
3 x Sulphur (3perfm)
91 x Hardened Metal (15 perfM, 40recipe , 36 platemail
72 x Chain (15 CL +27perfm)
75 x Chain Links (50 recipe+ 25 platemail +15platemail(45chain))

3 x Perfected Metal (30 Shade 6 BSteel 9 Coal 9Chainlinks=27Chain 15constructtools 30hvycloth 3sulphur 15hm)
50 x Chain Links 50/50
8 x Hardened Leather 6/8 + mats for 2x (40 leather+10silk)
40 x Hardened Metal 40/40
4 x Plate Mail (40CL + 36hm)

1 x Swadian Surcoat Overmail

I'll also give you 2000 gold for your cicrumstances for crafting the ressources into mats and the 500 for the invitation

Thanks in advance (ID is 8803)