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Swadian Town (0.4.4) - Printable Version

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Swadian Town (0.4.4) - Galen_Thalheimer - 13-08-2012

I have no fancy graphics.

So, the old strategy was to cade up in the lower section by the refills. Which works well as long as no one brings the bots around. However, there is little room for ranged, and only a few spots for slashers...which leads to lots of people AFK'ing, which sucks. But, there isn't a lots of active slots either.

With the new upper deck section, people have moved up there. Problem is that it is even narrower, so even less active spots and almost no way to really used range as the bots are coming uphill to the shield line. Plus, bot archers sometime come up past the hill and snipe from below.

I think what might work well, and keep everyone more active would be to have a split approach. Cade up down below as usualy with heavy cade/shielders/deps. Then on the upper section, put all of the ranged players with at least one crossbow/commando for protection. Normals cades can be used to block of the path which players can jump over to get out. The upper players need to stand at the back edge to not draw too many bots up. Deps would still be needed in the back windows for protection.

Then, you have people slashing below, and very free access into the bot crowd for archers. I tried it once when everyone was cading down below (on hard I think). It was a fairly full server and one the first round, only 2 bots wandered up there. Of course, I died because I didn't see them since I was shooting downstairs, hence the need for some melee support, and I had no cade

Potential problems:
- can't be res'ed since up in the air (but has same problem as current upper strategy
- need some melee protection for the few random bots that wander up
- needs a lot of dep shields/cades of all types (may take a extra spawns to setup fully)
- hard to retreat to lower section since you can't jump over the railing (at least I couldn't) -- maybe put the cade at the end of the ramp to allow some out access

Potential windfalls:
- faster killing from archers since we can actually see the bots
- more active spots so maybe less AFK people getting bored and leeching
- archers can retreat if needed to lower section