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Report: Magenta_III - Printable Version

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Report: Magenta_III - Facel3ash - 03-06-2015

He probabbly joined the Hard run wave 8 (could be wave 4) then sayed that he is shortly afk. Witch ment, until wave 12 came in.

Wave 11
Wave 12
Then after he went back he decided to heal... witch wasnt that usefull cause 2-3 player alreaddy walking arround with Field meds.

He continue Healing and trolling arround with his Sword until wave 18 where he left the server.
He had 0/0 stats the hole run.  ("Afking/Leeching")

ps. i didnt wanted to report this to IRC cause i wanted to see, what he does the hole run.


Re: Report: Magenta_III - Mr.Peso - 03-06-2015

Was on the server aswell.
Magenta was afk for at least 10 Minutes, I also reportet it on irc but he just started moving shortly before Q joined the server.
Will also upload a screenshot of the scoreboard. Sadly I have only a Screenshot of around the same time as the one black posted

Ah, black has added more screens so mine is not needed.

Re: Report: Magenta_III - Pᴀᴛʀᴏᴋʟᴏsᵀᴹ - 03-06-2015

I joined the server wave 16 because I had been called for Magenta. When I joined the server Magenta was healing and running around during preparation time which I would not consider as trolling. He continued healing until he left so there was no evidence for him leaching while I was on the server even thought he had a 0/0 score.

Also: @I3ack and some others: Do not argue with or tell an admin what to do! If I use red text I have my reasons and the reasons will be within the rules! So don't start complaining about it!

Pro Tip: If you send a private chat to an admin on IRC or name tham in the main chat it makes a noise so we can hear that something is going on. We can't always sit there monitoring IRC.

Re: Report: Magenta_III - Facel3ash - 03-06-2015


so if u ask if someone is there and we say he sayed he is afk for 3mins... thats not allowed ...ok pls!!! xD
and who told u to do what ??? complete bs

Re: Report: Magenta_III - Pᴀᴛʀᴏᴋʟᴏsᵀᴹ - 03-06-2015

1. He said 3 minutes.
2. He was afk for 5 minutes.
3. I warned him.
4. He came back shortly after.
5. You started arguing about it.
6. The Logs don't lie.
7. You are arguing again right now.
8. Deal with it.