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*You Have Found x1 A Tattered, leather-bound Journal* - Printable Version

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*You Have Found x1 A Tattered, leather-bound Journal* - Looter - 29-06-2015

“Today Appeared to be as any day, with the clouds parted and the sun’s warmth shining down upon our skins. We were to fight here they said, Defend the King’s Royal Observatory and its Equipment from the advancing Nords they said.  For Honor and glory they said... Where we were to die was an obscure place, located near a small canyon with the only access being 2 wooden bridges, well defended. However food and drink were lacking. The supply carts couldn’t pass across and with the Nords approaching, the quartermaster and his guard abandoned us taking with them our supplies. Those Traitors.. We had also been abandoned outside the main gates of the Keep itself, being told it was necessary we fight for our King, told we were to stand guard till life departs us.. Abandoned, forsaken by our fellow Swadians, we wait, wait for our ends..”

“I Awaken on the cold ground, surrounded by the fallen, Nordic and Swadian alike. The battle was over, King Ragnar Unslain. Escaping from the grasp of Death itself. A Snake among the Nord Crows. I recall the battle, yes, I recall.

Beforehand though it began with something unseen for ages. The Nords themselves taunting us, insulting us, jeering..In our own tongue.. Many of the men were shocked, in all of our years we had never seen once… a Nord speak in an manner besides their war cries of their own speech. Yet here they were, insulting our King, honor, even our own mothers enraging us all. As the War horns sounded and the nords beat on their shields with their bloodied axes, many of our comrades did the only sensible thing that we could thing of, run. They attempted to push through the seeming unguarded right bridge only to be cut down by a hidden force of Nordic Rangers, falling within moments. I still remember  their screams for help as they called out for their mothers.. I chose not to  run however, and so did 15 of my other comrades,  therefore we were spared the massacre. So we went,to one of the outer bastions of the front battlements, erected a barricade, and awaited our ends not as cowards, Not as forsaken scared children, but as Swadians In Arms..”

“The Battle itself, it was, as i recall, a pyrrhic victory for us. We had lost nearly all who stood with us in the end. Though we had defeated nineteen waves of Nordic soldiers, an astounding feat in and of itself, we were unprepared for what was to come ahead. As the men laid exhausted and covered in blood, both our own and of our fallen enemies, there was a final Horn. The remaining Nords scurried back to the forest in which they resided, and thinking the battle was over, we began tearing down our barricades to make for the bottom of the canyon for water. This was not to be however. The sight of Numerous Blue banners and painted shields glimmering in the sun caught my eye, and looking over, i see King Ragnar’s Personal retinue. His most trusted huscarls whom we knew to be the blood thirstiest of all the Nords. Said to bath in the blood of their enemies as they carved a path through the front lines of whomever dared to oppose them. Many of the men cried out aloud, yelling to whatever god, or being above what warranted such an end, why they couldn’t be let alone from the mockery that is their life. Regardless though, these cries ended once we heard Ragnar yelling at us himself, For a man rarely to converse with his enemies, this was a first. It was nothing pleasant though, merely more insults to us about being ‘Swadian Filth’ to be wiped off the face of Calradia. This, we could not tolerate, The Nord King had no right to insult our blood as he did. We would fight until our blood ran cold.”

“King Ragnar made a bold mistake, one that perhaps showed our favor of the Gods. Instead of marching forward, his troop camped across the bridge, having their supper as they laughed and drank, while we had no such supplies. We looked on as vultures do upon thier prey, however we had no time to dawdle. This novices mistake gave us one opportunity though, one chance to make our lives and names be remembered, one chance for our blood already, and to be, spilt to not be in vain. We prepared as best as weakened, demoralized Swadians could, gathering shattered shields, stones, and broken weapons from the fallen. We piled a good number of these items up across the small causeway that led into the bastion, additionally setting up some wood planks to form a small barricade to halt the Nords long enough for the few archers remaining to get shots into the sides of their armor. We piled the small quivers of arrows and our medical supplies in a corner to be used as needed. And then. We waited.. waited for the final battle….”

[glow=green,2,300]*Written on 6/28/2015
*Written in a short period of time, Not the best but its here for you to read and provide some Plot to all this fighting.[/glow]