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WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - Printable Version

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WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - IceAssa - 08-09-2012

Hey folks,

as the thread already says I want to trade my epic archer stuff against commando stuff.

I offer: Bronze Arrows, a Bear Armor and a Sharpshooterbow

I am looking for: Any Commando stuff, I prefere a Transitional and a Heavy War Hammer, but as I already said I'm open for every offer.

So give me you're offers, per pm or just post them here!!

C ya

Re: WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - Slayer - 09-09-2012

Butcher for Bear Armour?

AH prices makes butcher 20% more expensive.. cost me 1m to make..

Re: WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - IceAssa - 09-09-2012

Nono^^ Bear armor is 1.1m,  Butcher 700k

Re: WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - Slayer - 09-09-2012

You don't have to say the prices, I think I would already know, and my butcher was a mil to make with todays AH prices, so a simple yes or no will do.

Re: WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - IceAssa - 09-09-2012

A simple no.

Re: WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - Sagul - 09-09-2012

woud you also accept other things?

this is what i have not what i offer

Re: WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - IceAssa - 09-09-2012

Sorry, I am looking for some good things, not for alot of mats etc.

Re: WTT My Sniperequip against Commandoequip. - IceAssa - 10-09-2012
