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Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Printable Version

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Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Elmo - 09-09-2015

Hey so the other day it was brought to my attention that there are some pink items that we can spawn in with E.G. (Melee) Pitchfork which are mainly novelty items which have terrible stats but are just funny to see in game. And it had me thinking about other pink items that we can no longer bring in such as the Huscarls Round shield. (the main items i want to see back Tongue )

The stats of this shield are terrible compared to the marketplace ones on commando tier ; 

Huscarls round shield

Weight 5
Shield width100
Spd rtng 81
Body armor 22
Hit points 480 

Large plain Kite Shield

Weight 2
Speed rating 89
Body armor 30
Hit points 1000
Shield width 60
Shield height 95

So i was thinking what about making this item usable once more? even if its a piece of shit, Its heraldic and will look awesome. Seeing a massive WS banner on my back also will be pretty nice Wink

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Leberkass - 10-09-2015

I would also vouch for making them lootable again because They are nearly worth nothing and more guys would play normal if they would be dropped there. So bringing back those things would make some guys play normal more often just for the fun and I think teamplay and fun should be the one of the most important things in this game.

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Stillicho - 11-09-2015

+1 I'd be down for some normals if there was some novelty items involved just for giggles

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Master - 12-09-2015

I'm always down for some fun items for shits and giggles - kiting with snowballs is fun already.


Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Drunken Monkey - 12-09-2015

On a similar note, I also have some items catching dust in my inventory:
(Highlander Hat and Light Highlander Armor)
It says they are useable by everyone, would be lovely if they actually were Smile
I think I got them with the removal of cavalry which was in april 2012, must have been one of my horses that got converted just like the camel that became the orange transitional armor.
Having these items be useable again would be awesome!

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - DR. - 12-09-2015

+ 1 To this idea ^^

It may stop people leaving the Mod so soon as they dont get a drop etc (if certain of then drop) like Pitchfork and Huscarls round shield

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - ItsOK - 12-09-2015

would connect to woodys post. I guess its a great idea to be able bring them in again + loot them.
Because the only fun stuff we can bring in right now is like Beer or Frying Pen but stuff like Highlander Armour or maybe the Huscarl Round shield is something u can rly use.

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Aigle - 15-09-2015

Or create some new quests (for normal mod) which rewards you with this kind of item.

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Looter - 15-09-2015

New items won't help with keeping people from leaving, I already pretty much stopped playing out of boredom with the monotony of gameplay. But anyhow, this seems like a fun addition to have.

Re: Making certain Pink tier items usable for novelty factor - Midren - 16-09-2015

Cuit Bouilli
Leg armor16
Body armor49
Usable By Commando

Figured id add this since its super low armor for commando but would look awesome