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WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Printable Version

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WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Leberkass - 16-09-2015

Hello everyone,
Can someone craft me these please. ID: 2464502
5k for crafting them and thank you in advance

Re: WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Kip - 16-09-2015

I can craft them for you.  You're already in a house, though.  Wink

Re: WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Leberkass - 16-09-2015

Ah sorry Kip forgot about that. Now I am out Smile

Re: WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Kip - 16-09-2015

Invited.  Send a trade to CC_Warden_Kip when you are in.

Re: WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Leberkass - 16-09-2015

Everything should be in the trade.

Re: WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Kip - 16-09-2015

Return trade sent.

Re: WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Leberkass - 16-09-2015

Thanks for crafting these for me

Re: WTC: Steel Gauntlets - Kip - 16-09-2015

Glad to help.