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Report: Allah - Printable Version

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Report: Allah - ~CM~Backfisch - 26-10-2015

Hey, I would like to report "Allah" for trolling. He tomed several times (~5) and destroyed cades. We were in IRC and Sargent Q kindly responded and kicked him. After Q left he continued.(Normal EU-4)

Re: Report: Allah - [UK]_The_Irish_Eagle - 26-10-2015

Thank you for the report.

To Allah

I am not happy that a player gets a kick and returns to behave in the same way.

You have come to the notice of the Admins several times before.

For breaking the cades and using the Toome again after being kicked you are now banned.

You can make an unban request after the 29th October 2015.  I would also like to see an explanation as to your actions.