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Report: [HP]Sir_Ghost_Payne - Printable Version

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Report: [HP]Sir_Ghost_Payne - Banterin - 24-12-2015

I report [HP]Sir_Ghost_Payne >Sad
He blocked up my shooting line intentionally and destroyed Deployshield which I put.

Server: Hard_EU4
MAP: Caravan Ambush
Time: DECEMBER 24/2015  02:45 - 3:15 PM(GMT)

Interference of the shooting
Destruction of Deploy which I put

Re: Report: [HP]Sir_Ghost_Payne - [UK]_The_Irish_Eagle - 24-12-2015

Thank you for the report.

The matter is noted and will count as a kick.

To [HP]Sir_Ghost_Payne wise up and follow the rules.