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Report: Cbron and AWMAMEN - Printable Version

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Report: Cbron and AWMAMEN - Lophorius - 30-01-2016

Next to some other guys, Backfisch and I joined a normal run on wave 16, we both brought in tomes. Unfortunately a premature kid named Cbron decided to just use Backfish's tome while none was dead (I didn't take a screenshot of him doing that,). After that, the server chat started going full retard, especially a guy named AWMAMEN (Screens). Basically we lost the run because of Cbron using  the tome and AWMAMEN trolling and messing about.

Re: Report: Cbron and AWMAMEN - Ribbed - 30-01-2016

Can vouch for this, was just straight trolling.

Re: Report: Cbron and AWMAMEN - [UK]_The_Irish_Eagle - 30-01-2016

Thank you for the report.

AWMAMEN you have been issued with an Official Warning behave.

Cborn you are banned fed with the reports and kicks on you for rude chat and disruptive play.  You can make an unbann request if you wish.