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Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - Printable Version

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Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - Elmo - 13-02-2016

The new daggers look awesome and I would love to be able to use them on my legionnaire Tongue

Currently we have access to cts, Pilum, vhta and dragons breath however I feel the price gap between pilum/vhta and dragons breath is far too much and we need something nice in-between. I don't like throwing spears on my legionnaire it just feels wrong, id much rather be throwing something quick like daggers. Plus doesn't it make more sense for a class who uses speed over armour  and ironflesh to use something smaller and lighter like daggers over a massive stack of 16 spears on his back or 15 VERY HEAVY throwing axes?

Blacksteel daggers are the same mats to craft as CTS and if you compare the stats they both have good qualities and bad qualities such as CTS having bonus against shields but low stack amount where as daggers are quicker, don't have bonus against shields but more in a stack. They are both generally balanced to one another.  so I am left wondering why we cannot use them on legionaries :/ 

This is just my 2 pence Wink

Re: Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - DruggedUpTurtle - 13-02-2016

I don't have a legionnaire but this seems like a good suggestion. Moar throwing weapons for Legio!

Re: Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - DR. - 13-02-2016

What ever the resewn that Leg cant use Skullpierce that why Tongue

Not even sure why that is but i like that idea.

Re: Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - Bobo - 13-02-2016

I'd support that. At least in terms of looks it's true: daggers would fit inf more than spears.

Re: Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - ItsOK - 15-02-2016

I´m mainly (actully only) playing as a Pikemen and I think Daggers in general should not be unlocked for Legio since these are really special throwing Weapons. And Legio is not a real Throwing class. Also the price gab well^^ 2-25m or 4-25m not much of a diffrents I would say.

Re: Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - Ribbed - 15-02-2016

(15-02-2016, 05:50 AM)I3ack link Wrote: Legio is not a real Throwing class.
(13-02-2016, 05:35 PM)Bobo link Wrote: I'd support that. At least in terms of looks it's true: daggers would fit inf more than spears.

Spears definitely fit legion more than daggers.

I don't recall reading about the famous dagger throwing romans in my history book, just the ones with pilum.

Re: Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - DR. - 15-02-2016

(15-02-2016, 07:19 AM)Ribbed link Wrote: [quote author=I3ack link=topic=53548.msg259692#msg259692 date=1455515445]
Legio is not a real Throwing class.
To be fair Leg has tr4 in 2h and about tr3 in Throwing then again it like saying Heavy Skirmisher is not a Throwing class.

Re: Black steel/Obsidian daggers Usable by legionnaire? - Winter - 15-02-2016

(13-02-2016, 10:08 AM)WS_Elmo link Wrote: The new daggers look awesome and I would love to be able to use them on my legionnaire Tongue

I'm glad you like the new daggers.  However, Legionnaires will just have to be satisfied with the new Legionnaire specific toys they are getting soon in upcoming patches Wink