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Report player Bos_Bartus_Peltas - Printable Version

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Report player Bos_Bartus_Peltas - Best Villain - 22-02-2016

1) Bug use
2) insult at the national level...

Bos_Bartus_Peltas has cade wall and he puts them to the rib the aisle! Accidentally so you can not deliver! and puts only in some places and but certain maps. (I used to play on pirate servers in the same set and bots not beat these cade or accidentally touched one but cade) You can go through all 20 waves! Bos_Bartus_Peltas play with Thaanatos!

I said that this is a bug  (because I really know it)  but Bos_Bartus_Peltas was start to lie and insulted on a national basis!

Plz: let him carry punishment for :
1) bug use !!!
2) insulted on a national basis !!!

p.s. besides, he ignored all the players who have asked him to play together (out of bug zone)

[Image: mb61.jpg]
[Image: mb63.jpg]

Re: Report player Bos_Bartus_Peltas - Bartus - 22-02-2016

not insulted.After this Ephores joining and said destroy Wall after 14 wave.nothing else

Re: Report player Bos_Bartus_Peltas - [UK]_The_Irish_Eagle - 22-02-2016

Thank you Ephores for taking action.  Also thank you for the report.

Thaanatos not sure about you but I will keep both eyes on you.

Re BoS_Bartus_Peltast you have crossed the line again you have had a warning for Glitching and now a Ban for 2 weeks.

Also it is your problem read the rules if you wish to rejoin make an unban request after the 7th March 2016