[17:16] == Gomer [4cd8a18f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #nordinvasion
[17:16] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
[17:17] <dexxtaa> Hey gomer
[17:17] <dexxtaa> How did you get permabanned from a mod so quickly.
[17:17] <Gomer> Hahaha If Jez gets on I will explain how
[17:18] <Gomer> Is an admin on the forums or anything? I would like to talk about this and none seem to be on
[17:18] <dexxtaa> Not that I can see.
[17:18] <dexxtaa> Deo is the only one I can think of
[17:18] <Gomer> Deo your an admin oh hey
[17:20] == Troy__ [18fb82c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[17:21] <Gomer> Dexxtaa wanta hear the storie?
[17:21] <dexxtaa> Sure
[17:22] <Gomer> Alright Two days ago we discovered hardmode
[17:22] <Gomer> We dicked about with it and it was cool and I told worm
[17:22] <Gomer> I asked him if we could host are server 24/7 on it
[17:22] <Gomer> He said no
[17:22] <Gomer> So we took it off Jeffs server
[17:23] <Gomer> So Halfeaten on his server hosted it
[17:23] <Gomer> He didn't know but no one said we couldn't
[17:23] <Gomer> So then earlier yesterday we did map testing
[17:23] <Gomer> and then after we played a private hardcore mode with bots and were dicking about with server setting on our server
[17:24] <Gomer> PS I am not a server admin nor am I incharge of anything
[17:24] <Gomer> But I said I did it all
[17:24] <Gomer> I took the blame cause I hardly see it fair for being punished for a rule unwritten
[17:24] <Gomer> So then as we were fing about on Jeffs server with a PW
[17:25] <Gomer> Worm came in
[17:25] <Gomer> Then Worm told me he told me I wasn't supposed to do thuis (not my server remember but whatever) and then told me I was perma banned
[17:26] <Gomer> Then he never banned me lastnight so I sent him a PM he never banned me and I was staying off the server because of that and he fixed his mistake
[17:26] <Gomer> and thats where were at
[17:26] <Gomer> Being banned and reset for breaking a rule that no one knew about and using a feature they released
[17:27] <Gomer> No one told them they couldn't do it and I was told we couldn't host with it
[17:27] <Gomer> We thought if we were dicking about with it and aslong as we reported issues and bugs itd be fine
[17:27] <Gomer> But now half the people got reset
[17:27] <Gomer> and I am perma banned
[17:27] <Gomer> And I have no control over anything
[17:30] <Gomer> So...
[17:30] <Gomer> Dexxtaa thats that
[17:30] <Gomer> I am Perma banned it seems
[17:30] <Gomer> First time banned in any Native game and it was a perma ban eh.....
[17:34] <Gomer> Dexxtaa what do you think?
[17:34] <dexxtaa> Be patient.
[17:34] <Gomer> I am
[17:35] <dexxtaa> lol Thanks
[17:35] <Gomer> But do you think this warrents a punishment?
[17:35] <dexxtaa> Oh oh
[17:35] <dexxtaa> I just read hardmode so far
[17:35] <dexxtaa> That's bannable, from what I hear.
[17:35] <Gomer> Wheres that rule?
[17:35] <Gomer> Also I don't have any control over either server
[17:35] <dexxtaa> Did you dig around in the files to uncover it?
[17:35] <Gomer> No
[17:36] <Gomer> Half said on his hosting thing he just pressed a button
[17:36] <Gomer> Clicked that is
[17:36] <dexxtaa> Also, are we talking about Prime Minister Jeff of Canada?A
[17:36] <Gomer> Yes
[17:36] <Gomer> and no
[17:37] <dexxtaa> Yes and no.
[17:37] <Gomer> Well Halfeatensniper was the one to find it
[17:37] <Gomer> But Jeff did it
[17:37] <Gomer> but we didn't know it was bannable
[17:37] <dexxtaa> Well, I'm not one to say, but it was clearly against the developer intent.
[17:37] <Gomer> Like when coworm came in the server we werre all happy over ts
[17:37] <Gomer> We didn't think anything was an issue
[17:37] <dexxtaa> Also, Jeff isn't the best company to keep.
[17:38] <Gomer> Idk about him
[17:38] <Gomer> He was realy just a clanie
[17:38] <Gomer> And server owner
[17:38] <dexxtaa> Regardless of whether or not any individual admin might say off the books, it's just the spirit in which the action was taken.
[17:38] <Gomer> We didn't do it in a bad manor
[17:38] <dexxtaa> Either way, even if what you say is true,
[17:38] <Gomer> It was done as exploration
[17:38] <dexxtaa> You're still an accessory to the breach of rules.
[17:38] <Gomer> it was just a cool feature
[17:38] <Gomer> How so?
[17:39] <dexxtaa> Because you were part of it.
[17:39] <Gomer> Where is that rule?
[17:39] <dexxtaa> You were there when it happened.
[17:39] <Gomer> Where was that rule I had no clue
[17:39] <dexxtaa> And as good intent as you had
[17:39] <Gomer> We were just dicking about
[17:39] <dexxtaa> Well, did you know that it's illegal to leech off someones wireless internet/
[17:39] <dexxtaa> ?
[17:39] <dexxtaa> Like if your neighbor had un-passworded internet
[17:39] <dexxtaa> And you connected to that
[17:39] <Gomer> Yes
[17:39] <dexxtaa> You can serve jail time.
[17:40] <dexxtaa> Most people don't know that.
[17:40] <Gomer> Yes I understand
[17:40] <dexxtaa> And people have gone to jail for that, even if they didn't know.
[17:40] <dexxtaa> Same principle applies.
[17:40] <Gomer> But the thing is
[17:40] <dexxtaa> From MY perspective
[17:40] <dexxtaa> Tragic as it is
[17:40] <Gomer> Come at it from my shoes
[17:40] <dexxtaa> I think that your permaban is warranted, if harsh.
[17:40] <Gomer> We discover a cool feature
[17:40] <dexxtaa> Don't get me wrong
[17:40] <dexxtaa> If I were you
[17:40] <dexxtaa> I'd be doing exactly what you're doing now xD
[17:40] <Gomer> Whats wrong with using it? I don't see any "laws" against it
[17:40] <dexxtaa> It'd be cool as fuck, and I'd check it out
[17:41] <dexxtaa> BUT.
[17:41] <Gomer> Exactly
[17:41] <dexxtaa> At this point in time
[17:41] <dexxtaa> I would definitely bargain with the devs.
[17:41] <Gomer> can I quote you?
[17:41] <dexxtaa> I'd lose a few levels to keep playing the mod.
[17:41] <Gomer> So would I
[17:41] <dexxtaa> Only if in context, because I'm also copying this chat.
[17:41] <Gomer> Ty
[17:41] <dexxtaa> I'd bargain to tell the admins to take a level penalty, or XP removal etc to keep playing.
[17:41] <Gomer> I wont para phrase
[17:42] <dexxtaa> What you did may not have been with malicious intent, but it's still against the developer intent, and spirit of the mod.
[17:42] <dexxtaa> Anyway, I'm going to play this mod. I've been deprived for 4 days
So in short.. Free gomer!